Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our ANSWER !!!!

Thank the Lord.....Eli's bump came back as a benign!!!!

Thanks for your prayers

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Prayer Request

Eli went to the dermatologist today and had a bump removed that was in the right side of his head in his hair. He has had it for quite some time but just recently has it enlarged, turned reddish in color, and started aggravating him. The doctor removed it and is sending it off to be tested. Please add him to your prayer list that the bump comes back okay.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Annie chose Samurai for her Birthday Dinner. We always allow our children to invite a friend for their birthday dinner. Annie invited Billy again this year. They have always been close friends. They are silly by theirself and worse together. We had a great time.
Thanks Billy for joining us!

Annie is 12!!

Isn't she beautiful..... She is my Baby! I can't beleive she is 12! Here she is opening gifts.
She asked for a cake with neon colors. She is so full of life and she loves bright colors.

Here is Annie and Olivia. They have grown up together.

Annies Neon Color cake. I guess it looks okay. I made it. It has come to be a tradition for me to make the birthday cakes. My kids always place their orders a week in advance for me to come up with something .

Annie.... Moma loves you so much. I am very proud of you and hope the best in life for you. You are so beautiful, smart, funny and loving. I don't think I could have a more beautiful daughter. You are beautiful from the inside out. Always remember, that I am always here for you.
Love you.

Snow Day...

Can you tell what this picture is??? It is my white car. Do you see my business signs on the bottom of the pic? Annie took the photos and I had to take a second look at this one.

I have to admit that I did not play in the snow like I have in years past. After getting stuck in a ditch, I decided to stay in the house. Annie enjoyed playing with Olivia at Nanny Ree's house. Sorry it has taken me so long to post pic's.